Understanding Flood Zones

Dated: September 13 2022

Views: 136

How does a Flood Zone impact my property?

When owning property in Florida one must keep in mind flood zones. The State of Florida is well documented as a geographical region that can experience significant weather and flooding issues. We strongly recommend property owners have a good understanding of flood zones and the impact they can have on flood insurance and overall flood risk.

Flood zones and elevation requirements are implemented and regulated through government programs in order to ensure that property owners are protected from the threat of material and financial loss due to flood conditions. Since flood zones can change it is important to understand FEMA guidelines and current flood maps in your area. 

Homes and businesses in high-risk flood areas with government backed mortgages are required to obtain flood insurance. Flood insurance protects your home as well as your belongings. Even if your property is not in a high risk flood zone you can purchase flood insurance however it is not required for areas that are not high-risk.

Flood maps show a community's risk of flooding. They show a community's specific flood zone, floodplain boundaries and base flood elevation. You can find the flood hazard areas, more specifically your neighborhood's flood zone, on the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate map (https://msc.fema.gov/portal/home) or (https://www.floodsmart.gov/all-about-flood-maps )

It's important to know that your flood risk will change over time so keeping up to date on your community's flood map is always a good idea.

Each zone is catergorized by letters. Moderate-to low-risk flood areas are designated with the letters B, C, and X on FEMA flood maps. In these areas, the risk of being flooded is reduced, but not completely removed. High-risk flood areas begin with the letters A or V on FEMA flood maps. These areas face the highest risk of flooding. As stated above if you own a property in this high-risk flood area and have a federally backed mortgage you are required to purchase flood insurance as a condition of that loan.

Give us a call at NextHome Gulf Coast to learn more about flood zones in your area. Our professional agents are well versed when it comes to flood zones and ensure our clients are aware of the flood zone they either reside in or would like to reside in. 

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